Greetings from Prince of Wales Island, Alaska

Welcome to the first cast of the Wildfish Almanac, coming to you from Klawock, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. You can expect to see fun and informative articles on salmon, fishing, Alaska, and salmon fishing in Alaska here at this site. We'll also share some of our favorite recipes and techniques for making the most of your salmon cookery, as well as stories and photos of life in Alaska. Subscribe to our list in the form on the right to receive updates via email.
We're thrilled to report that the salmon runs are healthy this year, the summer fishing season is in full swing, and the smokehouse is full of fish. King Salmon (also known as Chinook) has been abundant in the waters around Prince of Wales Island this year, and fishing should remain good throughout June. Sockeye have begun entering the rivers, and we anticipate an abundance of them as soon as July.
The male Sockeye Salmon in all his spawning glory, rosy with persistence and determination.
Whether you need an immediate dose of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and superior protein, or you're looking to stock the cupboard at your cabin in the country, we are immensely proud to ship the finest smoked wild Alaskan salmon in cans. Whereas much store-bought canned salmon lacks in flavor and texture due to overcooking and poor handling, our fish is canned as solid nuggets, resplendent with natural wood smoke, firm texture and rich wild salmon aroma. Our stock rotates as the season progresses and different species are more plentiful, so check back with us every once in a while to see what delicacies are available. Currently we've got quite a bit of smoked King Salmon and King Bellies in stock. All of our smoked salmon bellies are a rather luxurious treat, but the King Bellies are truly in a class all their own. Smoked Coho is also plentiful on our shelves now, so get it while the getting's good.
We're glad you've joined us on this new journey into the realm of the written word, and we look forward to sharing the bounty of the Northwest with you for many years to come. Don't forget to subscribe to the Wildfish Almanac above!