5 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Eat Canned Fish

Reason #1: Wildfish cans are ready-to-eat; no heat required!
Ok, so maybe if they’re young you'll need to open the can... but other than that, eating our fish is extremely easy - and safe - for kids to do without you helicoptering! Cans make great adventure snacks and can be eaten in the wild with no fuss at all. At home, we recommend stashing their favorite Wildfish cans at kid level, and stacking a few at the table when the kids get home from school. If they see the eye-catching cans before the junk, you'll have succeeded in providing a super-nourishing healthy snack.
Reason #2: Eating canned fish is fun.
As evidenced from this delightful video produced by a few of our pint-sized mega fans, eating Wildfish cans is super fun! We've found that when presented with a can of our smoked salmon, an assortment of fun accompaniments like seaweed for wrapping, rice for a filling, and a variety of garnishes, kids will go to town building their own meal. Most kids, especially the younger ones, love to play with their food: we think you should green light that dream, and we promise you the nutritious contents of each can will disappear as a result. What’s more, a ton of research tells us that seafood is one of the most satisfying proteins and cuts sugar cravings, meaning if they eat fish, they are less likely to need another snack in an hour.
Reason #4: Fish makes healthy brains and healthy moods.
Consuming a nutrient-dense diet that includes tasty cans of Wildfish seafood ensures adequate intake of nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D that can boost brain health. The connection between diet and brain health has been well documented, and omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA & EPA, can change kids brains and help to improve their moods!
Reason #5: Teaching children to love fish early in life will pay dividends in adulthood.
We can’t teach our kids everything, but as parents one of the most valuable lessons we can teach is how to appreciate good, healthy food and respect the healthy ecosystems from which the food is harvested. Setting the stage by teaching our children to love fish will help them to be healthier, and in turn happier, well into adulthood and establish the importance of sustainable fisheries. We know from experience that stories about the food they eat helps to peak children's interest! Here at Wildfish, we can tell you the story about every tin of fish in our shop. Check out our Meet The Fisherman posts in our Galley to learn about the story of the fish in our tins, and then share that with your kids, too!
If you're a mega-fan with a 5-gallon bucket sized tot of your own, we'd really love to add your reasons to our list! Use the comment section below or you can always send us a line at info@wildfishcannery.com!