Smoked Alaska Caesar

The modern caesar salad is one of the more recognizable salads out there. But, it seems that most of the ones you’ll find are tailored to the lowest common denominator palate! Being that you are a Wildfish fan, we know that isn’t you! So when done right, the dressing should be loaded with umami, acidity, richness, and salt, thanks to our Smoked Herring, lemon juice, raw egg yolk, and parmesan cheese. So, if you’re bored with bottled caesar dressing that’s barely a step above mayonnaise, try this!
Serves 2
1 can of Wildfish Smoked Herring
2 egg yolks
2 finely grated cloves of garlic
1/2c olive oil (neutral oil also works just fine)
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
Juice of 1 lemon
Worcestershire sauce (to taste)
Parmesan cheese
2-3 heads of Romaine lettuce
Kosher salt
Lots of freshly ground black pepper
(A quick note: just about everything in this recipe can be adjusted to taste. Ours was big and punchy and super bright but you may want yours more restrained, so adjust away!)
Combine egg yolks, grated garlic, mustard, and a couple tbsp of lemon juice in a large bowl.
Take out a few pieces of herring and make it into a paste with the side of your knife (or use a fork- whatever works best for you).
Add Smoked Herring to the bowl and start mixing it with your whisk.
Ever-so-slowly, start drizzling in your oil. Drop by drop at first, constantly whisking to help start the emulsion. You can slowly start pouring the oil a little bit faster, whisking the whole time, until it’s all been added. The mixture will start to thicken.
Then add your salt, pepper, juice from the can of herring, Worcestershire sauce, and Parmesan cheese (as much as you like- we don’t judge!). Whisk to combine and taste for seasoning. We ended up adding the rest of the lemon juice at this point.
Pour some over your lettuce (make sure it’s really dry or the dressing will just slide right off!) Use as much or as little as you’d like and toss the lettuce until everything is coated well. Your hands are absolutely the best tool for this job. Then add the croutons and toss again to get them coated.
Plate with the rest of the herring and devour!
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