New England Meets Alaska Smoked Chowder

New England Meets Alaska Smoked Chowder

Written by Mathew Scaletta
This New England chowder with our smoked geoduck will fast become a favorite in your recipe rotation. Geoduck chowder isn’t unheard of in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, but it’s definitely a rarity. Thanks to local clam diver Curtis Brown and the smokehouse team here at Wildfish (the only producer of smoked geoduck in the world!) you no longer have to settle for basic New England chowder at home. The crisp, clean woodsmoke of the geoduck and can broth will transport you to a misty, Northwestern mental safespace. 
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Smoked Salmon Ochazuke

Smoked Salmon Ochazuke

Written by Mathew Scaletta
This dish meets at the confluence of simple, hearty, quick, and wholesome. With this recipe, we used our Smoked Coho in Birch Syrup, but you can absolutely use any of our tins! This is a great recipe to use up leftover rice from your meal the night before as well.
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Fisherman's Stew (Smoked Cioppino)

Fisherman's Stew (Smoked Cioppino)

Written by Mathew Scaletta
This recipe for Fisherman's Stew will net many smiles. Fisherman's Stew (also called cioppino) is a rustic seafood stew with origins in the Liguria region of Italy, and variations of cioppino are sometimes called brodetto or brudet in historically Italian regions of coastal Croatia. It is a traditional fisherman’s stew made from the catch of the day, generally with smaller species of net fish that don’t command as much money at market. Through the magic of canning, it does not rely on having an Italian fisherman in the family. It’s best to prepare this easy, lusty fish stew in a large, wide saucepan.
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