Stir-fried Sockeye in Yakitori Sauce

Salmon Wiggle
Some call it “Creamed Salmon and Peas'' but that’s too stodgy for such a joyous meal that offers the easy contentment most of us leave behind in childhood and only hope to find again as elders. Each bite is like the best bowl of chowder, it's a recipe that tried and tested for generations, a must try.

A Tinned Tasting Menu
Recently, we partnered with our friends at Delaware Supply in Albany, New York and 3 Fonteinen to bring a beer and tinned pairing to a lucky few. We've received a lot of inquiries about the menu. Turns out many of you would like to create this menu at home. So here's a menu and inspiration for an at-home tasting of some of the finest tins and some of our favorite brews. As always, feel free to customize or experiment with other beverages! We're here to provide the inspiration, but hey you do you!

Rockfish Escabéche Pâté

Smoked Salmon Pâté

Smoked Octopus-Mayo with Nori Fries
Sometimes the greatest tastes come from pairing the extraordinary with ordinary. This recipe pairs one of our most technical culinary creations with one of America’s most unassuming condiments. Ingenuity and irony intersect and lead us on a one-way journey to a very basic yet delicious destination.